Truly for him all days were beautiful lived in the presence of God and doing his will. On June 8, 1958, Alfonso returned to San Miguel Church, in Watts, Los Angeles, California, to celebrate his first Mass in the parish where he had been an altar server; that day was beautiful.
He was a very pious boy, respectful and well mannered. This is what a childhood friend said about him: “Everything about the church he took seriously. We use to call him “El Santito,” (The little saint). He seemed to be better than us. He was very spiritual and took things more to heart. When people would joke about the church, the priest, the rosary, he would get serious. He would not join in that kind of conversations. When we called him “El Santito” he would just smile.”

He was always involved in the church as a young child as testified by a classmate: “As a child he was involved in the parish. He was in church all the time. He was very religious as a kid; he was always going to church, to Mass or to pray the rosary. He was a good altar boy.” So it was not much of a surprise that Alfonso decided to become a priest.
Gallegos would celebrate his first Mass, the same way he would every Eucharist, “solemn, with tremendous reverence and very devoted,” as stated by the witnesses for his cause of canonization:
“His love of the Eucharist was evident in the reverent celebration of the Liturgy. His voice and his posture were indicative of a deep love of his priestly service to us. Thomas Merton once wrote: ‘You can tell a saint by the way he sits and stands; by the way he picks things up and holds them in his hands,’ this fits Fr. Alphonse.”

“When he celebrated Mass he was an inspiration; he celebrated in a profound way, by the way he would talk. His sermons were simple, but very Christ centered, inviting to faith and conversion. He inspired me to be more devoted to the Eucharist by his example.”
“I liked the way he celebrated the Mass. He was very passionate in the celebration of the Eucharist. What I liked about him was that he was somewhat traditional, things were the way they were supposed to be. I believe he had a great respect for the Eucharist; this is probably why as altar boys we practiced every Friday, until we got it right, how to serve in Mass.”
Alfonso had a great reverence for the Holy Eucharist and lived his life being grateful, knowing all is a gift from God.
The holy card, he had made for his first Mass, on the front it has the Eucharist and a chalice, on the back it reads: